Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Morning Cup of TEa: Jesus Prayed

Good morning!  Today we begin chapter 6 of Luke. The first few verses tell about different Sabbaths in which the Pharisees are not happy with Jesus or his followers' actions, and question him on it. Taking and eating corn from the field (v 1-5); healing a man's withered hand (v6-10).  Jesus did what needed to be done, no matter the day. The Pharisees did not like this and Luke says they were already angry and talking amongst each other trying to decide what to do with him.
  Luke brings up in verse 12 that Jesus went to a mountain to pray, and stayed there all night in prayer to God.When  it was day, he called the disciples to him and from those he chose twelve, known as the apostles:
 Simon, called Peter
 Andrew, Peter's brother
 James the son of Alphaeus
 Simon called Zelotes
 Judas the brother of James
 Judas Iscariot, who is named as the traitor (v 17)
  This is a great example to us, how important prayer is. This was a serious decision, choosing the ones who not only would help in his ministry, but to carry on the teachings later when his job here on earth was done. I like that he was consistently in communication with the Father.
Have a wonderful day.

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