Thursday, July 7, 2011

Life at Home

Here at home life is never really dull. My house is spotless at all times, my husband comes home to warm smiles, a welcome home kiss, and dinner on the table. My son never gives one minute of trouble and is a delight, even in public.

Um, not so much. That's a fantasy, pure and simple. Want to know the truth?

 My husband works hard at what he does. He does work at a job that allows me to contact him at almost any time. Which I have done. To let him know just how wonderful life is here at home. Ahem. And when he comes home he's ready (most times) to pitch in and fix dinner if need be or point the direction to the bedroom and say "go take a nap."  He's a good Christian man, a good husband and father. I am blessed.

  My son is eighteen (18!! How did that happen?). He has autism. He's nonverbal yet is almost never quiet, struggles with some day to day issues yet is very intelligent. He loves music. Any kind -Christian, 70's disco, 80s hair bands, Latin, classical, oldies.

   J also has a tendency to fill empty corners and terrorize the cats when he is agitated. He gets upset in large crowds. But he's usually very happy. He likes things to be just so. I'm still trying to figure out why the screen above the baptismal pool at the church building irritates him. Every chance he gets  he is off to put that thing away. I would dearly love to get into his head and find out what he's thinking.

   And then there's me. House work has never been my strong point. I'm constantly struggling with it. I'd much rather be reading -to myself or to my son, writing,  crafting.  I am usually the family secretary. I keep up with doctor appointments and try to remember hubby's rotating schedule at work.  I work with my son when I can --not so much on academics but on social skills and life skills. He does his best to avoid all that but he will do things for a few minutes at a time.  And to help relax, I like playing on Pogo with my friends.

   Well, there you have it. A tiny glimpse into life at home.  Not perfect by any means, but there are moments when the house is actually the way I want it and nothing is going haywire. I do complain some, mostly to my longsuffering husband, but really, I enjoy my life. I have to go now. Two tomcats are preparing to do battle on my kitchen table, laundry awaits, and J is hungry. Bye for now! : )

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