Good morning! Today we are beginning chapter 5 of Luke, specifically verses 1 through 11. Jesus had gained a lot of popularity by this time. People are wanting to hear him preach, and to heal. When he was by the lake of the Gennesaret, he saw some ships by the shore. They were empty, as the men were washing their nets. One belonged to Simon (Peter), and Jesus stepped into that ship to teach the people on the shore.
Afterwards, Jesus spoke with Simon and told him to go out into the deep and cast down his nets to catch some fish. Simon had already been out all night, and had caught nothing, but he did as Jesus asked. He let down the nets and they became so full of fish that the nets broke! He had to call the other ship, his partners James and John, sons of Zebedee for help. Both ships became so full of fish that they nearly sank!
In verse 9, Simon Peter had a reaction to all of this that made me stop. He fell down at Jesus' knees and said, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. He had a true humble, contrite heart. I wonder how I would be if Jesus stood near me like that and I realized who he was.
Jesus told Peter, Fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men.(v 10). And when Peter, James and John reached the shore, they forsook all and and followed him.
In order to do these things -going out to cast nets where they had already been with no fish to show, and leaving everything behind to follow Jesus, these men had to have faith. I would venture to guess that there was slight doubt in Peter's mind when Jesus asked him to cast his nets, but he did it anyway. That's what sticks out in my mind. And although each path is different, we do give up things when we choose to follow Jesus. Some may give up home and family and country to go into other countries to be missionaries. Others of us give up life styles and sins. While we women are not called to be preachers or missionaries really, we have our ministries which are just as important to the church, and we can teach as long as we do not usurp the authority of a man. We each have our place in the body of Christ, our own ways to be "fishers of men."
Have a wonderful day.
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